In your last post you said he was teething. My guess he still is. In your last post you said you lost your cool and yelled at the twins, this post you spanked his mouth?!??!! Because he was biting, hes biting and your spanking...wrong move. I do believe you need some parenting advise from a professional. My little girl bit at that age, I spoke stern so that my voice was different not scary. I would put her down or put her in her crib. I then would not pay any attention to her for maybe one minute or longer. He will catch on and will learn not to bite. Does not matter if he is a twin, all babies go through these things. Weather its biting or pinching, your correct action is whats needed. I will tell you I have never once laid my hands on any of my children in anger or teach them a lesson. He will do fine in daycare as I have told you before. You sound like a good mom and a caring mom, please seek help on how to raise healthy happy children. I know some of the younger moms will have some great advice for you and what books you should read. Your son is only a baby still. Good luck.