Hi F.,
Seems you have narrated our story.. My son is three years old and we just got him enrolled in a preschool. He had been very excited in the beginning for about a week, but later he lost interest and started crying.. and wanted to stay back home. We too speak a different language at home, and that was definitely one of the factors of him being cranky and un-adjustive.
But i assure you that you got to be a little more strong, and try out some of our tricks that we tried on our kid, and i am glad that they worked with him.
--First of all, tell him that he has no other way out, rather than going to school. Tell him the importance of school, which will help him to be a good and mannerful kid. Tell him tht you went to school when u were a kid and every other kid goes to school.
-- Secondly try and speak some english with him at home, i would not suggest you to completely leave your native language, but it would be more beneficial if you could use certain words and sentences that will help him acclamatize with the school and his peers.
-- this one really did wonders.. we bought some toys for him, and kept them away from him.. and told him that he would get a new toy everyday if he is good at school and would play and enjoy rather than being cranky.. and it works.. everyday when he comes back from school, he says mummy i didnt cry at school, and i give him a new toy..(it is not necessary to buy expensive gifts, small little toys can be equally accepted)
-- U said that your husband drops your kid to school, if possible u should also accompany him for somedays, and talk with his teacher about your kid, tht really matters for her to understand your kid's state of mind. Also make him learn the names of this classmates, and discuss with him of wat all happen at school everyday. this will help develop his interest in school.
-- In our case i drop my kid everyday and pick him up, n he beleives that mummy stays outside the school, and waits for him until the school is over... Thats wat we have told him, to make him comfortable, that we are waiting for him outside the school..
Try all these tricks , i hope that will help your kid do well..
Beleive me , it will all work, but you got to be patient and understanding..
let me know how it worked.
good luck