I am not sure what state you are in, but I would ask to have her evaluated by Child Find. It is an early childhood intervention service that will evaluate your child and provide services at no charge to you and your family. They are awesome. If they find that there is a problem with your daughter then will immediately start services which they will provide until she starts public school (kindergarten). The earlier services are started the better the results. If there is a problem and it is caught early, she may not even need help for very long:) It is better to have her evaluated and find that everything is fine, then to wait. Your pediatrician should know the number and if not you could call your local school and ask for early childhood intervention services and how to get in touch with them. If you can also call Children's hospital and ask to speak with the developmental unit. Tell them you need to find out where to get your child evaluated.
Also above all else, pay attention to your "gut" feelings. If you think or feel something is "not right" then stay on top of it. Mother's KNOW best. Don't let them "blow" you off.
Kris(37) Mother to a special needs child (autism, XYY syndrome -not Klinefelts, sensory intergration issues)who was not diagnosed until age 4 even though I "knew" something wasn't right by the time he was nine months of age.
I will send you good energy for everything to be normal. Take care.