An Odd (Or AAAWWWW) moment...glad I Took It.

Updated on October 21, 2011
C.O. asks from Reston, VA
9 answers

This morning, Nicky, my SOOO NOT early riser, was up as he was excited about his field trip to The Kennedy Center today...he got dressed and came down stairs and asked me - mommy will watch the sun come up with me?

AAWWWWW!!! of course!!! We went out on the back patio and snuggled on the bench and watch the sun come up!!!

How sweet is that??

Have you had moments that you are glad that you didn't say "NOT NOW!! You need to get ready for school??"

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answers from Richmond on

AWWW!! What a sweetie pie :) I would have melted!!

You know, I have pretty short patience, but yes, there are times when I go with whatever the kids are plotting, and they almost ALWAYS work out in a huge, emotional reward!! Thanks for the reminder, I need to do this more often... get out of mommy mode and really enjoy the moment!!

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answers from Washington DC on

oh that is so sweet! What an awesome moment!

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answers from Washington DC on

Yep. Just last week I was trying to rush my 4y to get to the sitter, but wanted to give her breakfast first. We were past the breakfast time at the sitter. We had no milk so cereal was out. We had no ready sandwiches.

She says, what about ice cream? Can I have ice cream? Its got milk. Sure! why not!! So we sat there with our ice cream bars and bananas.

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answers from Phoenix on

That's so sweet! We get crazy monsoons here and my son always wants me to step outside and watch the lightening with him. Its so cute because he's about 60% scared and 40% facinated so he's so fun to watch. Im glad I don't tell him no, its some of my best memories with him. =)

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answers from Atlanta on

I had a moment like this this morning...I let my child sleep in as I was volunteering at school early so I took him rather than him taking the bus. He ended up being tardy. But it was so worth it as he said he had a great morning with me. We ate breakfast together, read a star wars book, etc. It was so great. Most mornings we rush getting ready to catch the bus.

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answers from Washington DC on

How sweet! I love to listen to my kids with things like that :). They are only like that every so often!

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answers from Johnson City on

Thanks, Cheryl! I really needed this reminder to slow down and take more time with kiddos. I have been a frazzled mess lately and it would do us all some good for Mom to calm down a little, quit stressing over every little thing and make a few fun memories!

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answers from La Crosse on

that is really sweet.

One night my 2 boys were suppose to be in bed for almost two hours... they came down and asked if we could go out and sleep under the stars. It was a clear beautiful night with only a slight moon.. so all the stars were really shining. So of course we grabbed our sleeping bags and went outside, laid in the middle of the yard looking at the stars.. that night we saw 3 shooting stars :)

Im so glad I took them up on instead of being upset that they weren't sleeping yet... as I was heading to bed. Its something I remember for a long time, I hope they do also!

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Ooooooooooh--super cute!

Yes, we tend to try to live in the moment.
Last week our "deer" were visiting the backyard and my son took apples out and fed them their breakfast--in his underwear and t-shirt. Very cute morning.

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