First of all, this is not unusual. You need to do a routine every night even the weekends.
Children thrive with routine.
No sugar after 3 in the afternoon.
Set a time for dinner. Eat at that time every night.
Next it is bath time. No loud playing, no more TV no rough housing. As long as you rile up a child, it will take double that time for her to calm down.
Have the lights low in her bedroom and her bed ready, have the pj's laid out.
When you bathe her use really warm water. Wipe her with really strong wipes when using the soap on the washcloth. Speak in quiet tones. Do not have a lot of noise going on in the house. We always tried to turn off all unnecessary lights so it does not look or sound like anything exciting is happening.
Wrap her in a towel and dry her with very strong slow motions, like a massage. Continue to speak quietly. Place her in her pj's. Make sure she has her lovey.
Make sure she has a night light. Sit next to the bed and read her a story. We learned that as we read, we would speak slower and slower with each page. This is not the time to do funny voices or ask her questions about the story.
When you are finished she should be so exhausted she will doze off. You could play soft music or play a story on CD play it softly. Turn off the lights and leave. Do not make a big deal.
If she cries, give her 2 minutes. If she is still crying go in and do not say anything. Do not turn on the lights. Lay her down and give her the lovey. Leave again. If she uses a pacifier, be sure to give it to her to use as a "soother". We had a neighbor who left 4 or 5 pacifiers in the crib cause each time her daughter was finished with one she would throw it out of the crib! Then she would wake up and want another.
If she wakes up in the middle of the night. Change her diaper in the dark and do not say a word. Place her right back in the bed with her lovey and pacifier if she needs.
Also Check out the posts from Oct. 12th, Oct. 31st, Nov. 1st and Nov. 14th. They had similar requests and you may get some more info. and ideas. Notice how many of the kids are 2!