My son started off with seasonal allergies about 18 months old. He is now 6 and these seasonal allergies can trigger asthma. This started almost 2 years ago. My son never had any testing done. I just noticed he was at the pedi's office every spring and fall. He was always sick Sept.-Nov. and March-May. As we worked with his doctor to figure out the best course for his allergies and asthma, I suggested that maybe I should have him tested to see exactly what he was allergic to. His pedi said he wouldn't suggest testing a child for seasonal allergies because whether we find the exact tree or plant that he allergic to doesn't matter. We can't keep him from going outside or remove the type of tree or plant from where we live, so why put a child through the tests. Now if we thought it was a food or pet or something we have control over, then testing would be necessary. I suggest you discuss your concerns with your pedi and write down every sickness and treatment your daughter receives, so you will see if a pattern develops. Good luck. It can be tough to see your child sick so often.