I agree with the other moms but especially Moe - yes, every child is different, but there's a lot we as moms can do to help them get it right! My older daughter did not sleep through the night until a year (we did the attachment parenting thing because we didn't know any better, and that's what they teach you when you go to a newborn parenting class at California Pacific... pick them up and feed them every time they cry... uggggggh!). My second child, I implemented a feeding/sleeping schedule, as outlined in the "On Becoming BabyWise" book. WOW, what a difference! My second child slept through the night (10pm-6am) at a month old, and was fat and happy. (I breastfed both of my kids, although I don't think that made a difference one way or the other.)
In any case, I truly believe that a good eating/sleeping schedule will rescue you from night feedings. That, and putting your baby down for the night at around 6 or 6:30 - it sounds strange, but an early bedtime makes for a sounder sleep for the baby (and not an earlier wake time, believe it or not).
I hope you find something that works for you - for me, it was Baby Wise and I feel like it saved my sanity!
Good luck!!