When I had my 2nd child, I too had a c-section, and my eldest was 3 almost 4 years old.
Anyway, ahead of time, I talked to her about how I will be in the hospital for a few nights and that Daddy will take care of her and Grandma will help.
I made and showed her, a "list" of things, that Daddy will need to do and what HER routines are per meals/bedtime/naps/etc.
So this, made her feel better... because even if I was away... I was taking care of her... by making sure that she and Daddy knew what to do.
Then, while I was in the hospital, she could call me anytime. I had a phone in my room. And they could visit me anytime and even eat meals with me. Which she and my Husband did do.
My daughter, was REAL attached to me too. And I am a SAHM. So I was all she knew, per who was home with her the most.
But... my daughter did fine. She was a trooper. And I believe it was because, I, AHEAD of time, explained to her, what would happen and how I would be in the hospital and she need not worry, and she can visit me etc. and her new baby brother.
Even while I was pregnant, I spent my ENTIRE pregnancy, on Prepping, HER. We took photos often of her and my growing belly and she'd talk to her baby brother in my tummy and hug him and sing to him. We also napped together too.... and I explained it helps baby brother etc.
I made "my" pregnancy, about prepping, her. So that, by the time my son came home from the hospital, she was, informed about it and what happens and when... and I also explained to her that a baby cries and wakes often... and that Mommy breastfeeds him just like I did with her. But she need not worry. MOMMY will wake up for her baby brother. And that, I do not "expect" her to do anything... because I KNOW she is a little girl herself. And that, I do NOT expect her, to give or share all her things with her new baby sibling. Her things, are hers. It is special. I know that.
And all of this... made the "transition" for her, much easier.
She welcomed her baby brother.
She was so close to him and caring.
She was... confident about it all... because I spent my pregnancy on her... to help her adjust and talk to her about how "her" life... is special too and she need not change. She is a little child herself. I love her... because she is my "first" baby etc. So she was not jealous or insecure... about having her baby sibling.
AND I also made SURE... to tell my eldest, that I do NOT "expect" her... to be all grown-up and "helping" me with everything. I know... she needs downtime too and her own time, and to not feel pressured... by all the expectations that people will have upon her, as being the "eldest." I explained all of that to her... because I little child's mind, wonders. But I explained to my daughter... that she is who she is. And she needn't "change" just because she will be the oldest now. (I kept my expectations about her, age appropriate). She is still a little girl herself. But that Mommy will still be there for her.
And yes, I too wondered if I could love my 2nd child, just as much as I loved my eldest. It is normal. But... once you have another baby... there is TONS of love... to go around. It will be fine. Just fine.
Love... is limitless.
When I came home from the hospital after my c-section... my Husband took off of work for 1 week. Then my Mom took off work the 2nd week, to help me.