My heart goes out to you all, you have a rough road ahead of you. I have heard from other similar posts on this subject that there are several good books at the library, just ask them there. My sister says the same thing about me, my family thinks I have lost my mind lol but I have very alternative views and practices from the rest of society. But we do the best we can to protect our children and ourselves from all the chemicals and contaminants that big business has flooded our world with for nothing more than profit. So keep the faith and know you are doing what you have to do, the rest of society is simply ignorant, some by choice, some just don't know. My husband calls me the food nazi lol. But all of us are healthy and thriving so I must be doing something right.
I think the most important thing you can do is to be there for both your children is to reassure them that both parents still love them, answer her questions as honestly as you can, keep as much negativity away from them as you can, and they will know, without a doubt, that you will always be there for them. Kids are smarter than we sometimes give them credit for, they know when they are being manipulated, as often one or both parents try to do in a divorce situation. My husband did, and still does, try his best to turn my now 16 year old son against me (he never was very smart) and all it has ever done is drive a rift between them. And we divorced 11 years ago. Be prepared for anger from your daughter, it's normal, crying fits from both, also normal, and just love them and be there for them and listen to their concerns. School projects that before may have been effortless for your daughter may become daunting because of heightened emotions. Just be there for her and help her through it. Time does heal all wounds and even though you all may feel right now that you will never be ok again, you will. The toughest time will probably be while you are waiting for the divorce to finalize and the custody papers to be drawn up. After that, things will settle down as you all get into your new routines. Reach out to family and friends for support, you will need as much as you can get. And keep your kids busy with lots of fun activities. It is hard to be down and depressed when you are having fun and watching your children giggle with glee going down a slide. It always makes me smile to see mine smile. All the best to you.