There is a sweet book called "Big George" that I highly recommend - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1561706175/ref=cm_cr_pr_...
Your friend may be grieving for awhile. It's hard to lose a baby later in a pregnancy - she may have had to be induced to deliver, which is a difficult ordeal when you know the end result. Also, it's hard because she will run into friends she hasn't seen who knew she was pregnant but didn't know she lost it, and she will have to relive the pain all over again in telling the story. It's a difficult, painful experience. You are sweet to want to do something. I would recommend the book, a sweet card saying you care, something to pamper herself (pedicure, massage, etc), or even just make her dinner. Even a month later, I bet she would appreciate any of this. Hope this helps.