Your son is 3 years old, and 3 year olds are not always nice and well behaved.
My 10 year old son did the same things in pre-school, he kicked over a bookshelf, had tantrums in class, ran out the classroom, he was aggressive with others. I thought I would loose my mind. I was embarrassed. The teachers told me to take him to a therapist. I did, and the therapist told me my son was fine, just a normal little boy. I believe the same is true for all little boys, including yours. My son is a normal 10 year old boy, he likes football and helping me cook, he has come a long way and we a long way to go, but I know he’ll be just fine, no matter what.
Please have patience with your son and understand he need time to develop and grow. No one is born with social skills we have today, it took time and good parenting.
Mom, calm down, raising children is a process, nothing happens over night. When raising children you must be firm, consistent, unafraid, patient, smart and loving. Giving them a pill or taking to a doctor does not change what you need to do; they still need your firm hand to guide them. Parenting is a hard job, there’s no way around.
Continue to taking your son to the play groups, he will adjust, remember he is ONLY 3 years old and to a 3 year old the world is a big scary place. Let him develop at his own rate, don't rush him. Make your home a positive place for growth, use his bad behavior as a venue for positive correction.
And so what if he acts up in class, we all did, it's all part of the process. He doesn't have any disorders or cognitive problems, he's a 3 year old little boy. Have fun with him; love him.