Hello,my name is D.,and I'm very new to this site.I read your request,and I have some valuable info for you.My 7 year old son is actually taking Adderall,he was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 3 years old and we ahve tried several different meds and none seemed to work...........except Adderall.He just started seeing a new Neurologist and she told us that it can cause high blood pressure,and they will monitor his blood pressure every month when he goes to see her.He has been on Adderall for about 8 months now (prescribed to him by another neurologist,who is retired now)and he never had any side affects.There are some meds that would totally knock him out,others would sedate him to the point he looked like a zombie.I am very happy with the results and I would recomend it to any parent looking for an ADHD medication.All children are different,and they respond differently to different meds,but I would give it a try.For my son,the result came slowly,the doctor had to play a bit with the dose to get it right for him.He now takes 15mg in the morning,and the nurse in school gives him another 10mg after lunch.It is amazing what the right medication will do for a child with ADHD.After he was diagnosed with it at 3,I tried Ritallin,and Chlonodine,and they didnt seem to work right for him.I tried for a total of 3 months,and decided that I would rather not give him anything for a while.I tried again when his teachers at school complained about his behavior and also told me that his school work was suffering due him not staying still.I figured I owed it to him to try once again.I am so glad I did,its like night and day.I hope my story helps you in some way,or at the very least,lets you know you are not alone.I'm here if you have any questions or if you just want to talk:)