I went off of BCP because I couldn't stand how awfully they were messing with my moods. I never had problems in my 20s or early 30s, but after having my kids and going back on, at first I felt fantastic, but after a few years, I felt horrible -- angry all the time, worried about my health, my husband's health, everything. I don't know if it was the pill I was on (Yaz and then Beyaz) or that my chemistry had changed because of the babies or because I'm getting older. But something wasn't working for me. Over the years, I've become more sensitive to chemicals in general, have found I am allergic to different drugs, can't tolerate aspartame or other artificial sweeteners, so something has changed overall for me, but I did not do well with BCP anymore. So now I am off all medicine, other than supplements, and I feel so much better. I have a flash temper by nature (as does everyone in my Sicilian family) but for me, I'm a lot calmer off the pills than on!