I don't like that the death penalty costs taxpayers FAR more than life imprisonment. There's also the fact that the former has NOT been proven in the slightest to deter crime anymore than the latter, so why bother? I also don't like that innocent people are occasionally put to death, and I'm appalled that some think that's okay/acceptable! So, for those reasons I'm against the death penalty.
I have occasionally spanked my children when they were younger - my mom/dad spanked me occasionally, and I think that in most cases it was the right thing (or at least not a bad thing) to do. I am not against spanking for certain situations and people.
Not that you asked, but others have brought up this, so... I am very much pro-choice, in large part because of the impact on the people that would otherwise be forced to have those babies, as well as the social impact that a ban on abortion has done in the past or would do if enacted again.
I tend to look at things from a logical/global perspective, rather than with passion, or from an individual or religious perspective. Unfortunately, I am in the minority there...