Couples counseling definitely. Sure, it's true some men have a hard time showing emotions or helping out with babies or whatever, but really, that is a lazy excuse for people who don't want to change or pitch in. Men can have just as much compassion and care for their babies and children as a mother can, and they can help out just as much too. I know mine did and most all of the fathers of little ones I know do as well. Maybe he is struggling with depression or anxiety and that is a contributing factor. In that case, he really needs some counseling to help.
Children can pick up when they feel unwanted by the parent, when love is being withheld. It is a form of emotional neglect and can have long term consequences.
Keep up the hard work, you are doing great! Help your guy see how much his child needs his care and attention.
"All children need acceptance, love, encouragement, discipline, consistency and positive attention from their parents. Children who are denied these things often grow up thinking they are deficient in some way and that they somehow deserved to be treated badly. Sadly, when they become parents themselves they may emotionally deprive their own children because they don't have a positive model of parenting to draw on.
Parents who are depressed, mentally ill, or taking drugs may find it more difficult to notice and respond to their child's needs. Nevertheless, when a parent ignores or withdraws from a child as your friend is doing, it is a form of emotional neglect. You are right to be worried.
A child who is emotionally neglected is likely to lack confidence and self-esteem. And they probably feel unloved and unwanted and find it difficult to trust others. These kinds of negative feelings may lead to problems with school, with their friends, and with their own children in later life."
from here: