Wow. good luck. This little girl needs to learn about keeping clean and smelling nice. It's not just her body... but her clothes will keep the bad smell too.. if not cleaned properly. I wonder if their is a mom too?? or what the story is?? maybe she is gone and the dad doesn't know about teaching his child and doesn't know about it himself. As they get older - the body odor will get worse too. I would have her over with other friends.. and tell them that it's beauty day.. or something.. maybe get a few parents.. set up the basement for beauty day.. do nail, wash hair in the cellar sink.. blow dry.. put on eye shadow... and then the best .. you get a goody bag, nice dove soap, deodrant, and small bottle of shampoo. I think she will feel good.. if you explain to all the girls that now as they get older, it's important to shower every morning or night, wear deodrant, wash our face daily so not to break out.. brush our teeth... maybe you can ask the school for help in some way. My son's school in 6th grade contacted mennen and got small deodrants for all the kids in the class.. and they gave them a leaflet about cleanliness and body changing issues. The girls got a small leaflet explaining changes, and a small gift from tampax. This really helps when parents aren't around to help their children. You can call tampax.. they might send you something - also check with deodrant companies with samples. These places usually give samples.. go on line.. go onto teen deodrant websites... and send them an email.. and see if any company is willing to help you out. You sound like a very nice person... so good luck