Awwwww... That's so cute! It is very possible that she did say bye mama!! Keep talking and reading to her. She's on her way!
This morning, I swear, it was like music to my eager ears. I handed my almost 9 month old daughter to our daycare provider, who placed Kayleigh on her lap and started to feed her cereal. I waved "bye-bye" like I do every morning, and she flipped her little hand once. I smiled, she is starting to get it. As I walked away, she said clear as day "ba mama" ... could she have said "bye mama"? Is this even possible? :)
I ran over and gave her kisses. It was just toooooo sweet!
She is saying more every day... yesterday, she said "kitty" clear as day! and she always waves and says "bye-bye" when you say it to her. She AMAZES me! ... this morning she repeated my husband, who said "give me a kiss" and she said "kiss" kind of cryptically. It's amazing!
Awwwww... That's so cute! It is very possible that she did say bye mama!! Keep talking and reading to her. She's on her way!
Sure - my daughter's first word was clap which she said as she learned to clap at about 5 months.
Absolutely! Isn't it a great feeling? My daughters had first words quite early too. I really recommend that you look into doing sign language with your daughter, because at this age, there are only a few sounds that babies can master (ba, da, ma, etc.) but they are so ready to communicate. Sign language can open up "talking" to them so much earlier than spoken language.
By 12 months my daughters had about 40 sign language words, things like more, done, milk, cat, hug, wet (ie - change my diaper please!), and many others. It was so great because we could communicate even before I could understand what they were saying verbally.
If you're interested, check out the Signing Times Baby DVDs. They're geared for babies and toddlers but interesting for parents too.
YES! So amazing!! Now the words will just keep on coming.
I'm excited for you!
Totally.. This now means every word you say could become part of her vocabulary! Very exciting.
Yes! My oldest was an early talker, and a very late walker. Have fun!!