DUCK! duk-EEE! duk-EEE!!
This was the refrain around my house when my daughter was one year old. She knew how to say ducky and she was going to use it however she could. I was a ducky, my husband was a ducky, the cat was a ducky, her dinner was just ducky thank you very much.
Finally around 11 months she (unreliably) started saying Abba (which is what my husband is called) and yum-yum. Then she whispered cat, which eventually developed into Cat-ee.
Now she is 15 months old. She says mama FINALLY, but that didn't happen until 14 months. She can say moon, balloon, a funny version of bellybutton, bear, NO, me (though sometimes she means you), burrito (because I "wrap her up like a burrito after her bath), milk, monkey, lion, hat, nigh-night, bye-bye, and various other things I'm probably not thinking of now.
She also understands EVERYTHING and can follow instructions really well. She might not be able to say washcloth, but if I've misplaced one and am looking for it and talking to myself, she'll find it and give it to me. Anyway, the point is, I was freaked out, too! Your daughter is going to surpass your expectations within a few months, enjoy the days before she learns no!