It may be that he's too young, but I would keep an eye on it. My son had feeding issues even with baby food and gagging on it. We called early intervention, and he qualified for speech therapy services (for feeding). 3 therapists later, we discovered that besides low tone in his cheeks, he didn't have the strength and dexterity in his tongue to help move the food around in his mouth (anything that became stuck on the roof of his mouth produced major vomiting...) Oral-motor work with a speech therapist improved his problem immensely, although b/c it took so long for us to figure out what the problem was, he had emotional issues tied to food that he had to work through.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, wait, but not too long, and if you're concerned, call early intervention. My son's problem could have been solved in 6 mo, but it ended up being 4 years b/c he developed fears about food.
Good luck!