I would maybe switch the order of feedings. At that age my daughter had a similar waking schedule to your son, but we only soothed at the midnight or 2am waking and would give her a small bottle at the 4-5am feeding. Slowly, the midnight/2am wakings stopped. We kept up with the early morning feeding until around 10-11m, it was worth it to have another 3 or 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep. The times we tried putting her down again without feeding at that time she did the same thing, whining crying and acting fussy off and on all morning. I think at that age some babies really do wake up hungry at that time of morning. Even at 2 yrs old if she wakes between 3am and 7am crying and acting upset I will give her a small bottle of milk (this only happens maybe 3-4 times a month), especially if she ate poorly or didn't eat much dinner the night before.