If you haven't done it yet, take him to the ER. This could be a simple ear infection or meningitis or encephalitis. Go now!
My 8 month old son woke up perfect today...... after he played a little and I changed him, he sat up and fell to the side. Ever since then he's been acting 'floppy' like he can't balance or hold his head up. He throws his weight to one side or the other. We did fly on an airplane the other day? Could it be his ears? I'm really worried... any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Update- We went to the pediatrician today... He acted the same (floppy... wouldn't hold his head up, etc...), but she said his ears are fine... She said to go to the ER and get a CAT scan. We get there and he acts TOTALLY NORMAL for the doctor there, so they said they did not want to do a CAT scan unless it happens again...
I'm relieved that he's acting like his normal self, but also worried that I didn't do enough or that it could happen again. I was so scared! (still am!)
If you haven't done it yet, take him to the ER. This could be a simple ear infection or meningitis or encephalitis. Go now!
Sounds like the ears...see if you can get an appt with the ped. In the meantime try some warm rags. Hold them on his ears--this would help relieve pain if there is any and may help pop them if they are stuffed up. Also make sure he is sucking the bottle, paci, or nursing as this motion should help unplug his ears.
I would get his ears checked, sounds like something with his inner ear throwing his equilibrium off. Your inner ear is your bodys balance center. It could be from flying, and easily treated. I would go to the doc asap if he is showing any other signs of distress such as abnormal crying or crankiness, if he's extra sleepy, etc. Best wishes!
I agree sounds like an ear infection...I (mom) get these they make me dizzy and if I turn my head to quick feel like I'm going to fall over! if I can't get into an urgent care or Dr.'s I use swimmers ear drops. It DOES not clear up the infection but it takes away that equilibrium problem which makes life tolerable until I get to Dr.'s. Good Luck!
Get to the doctors NOW! Could as simple as his ears being plug-up from flying but it could be something bigger
M., please follow your instinct and see a doctor right away. I'm sure they'll want to see your son asap. A very similar thing happened to my friend's daughter around one year. It turned out that she just came down with a bad cold and ear infection, but the doctor did want to see her immediately and keep close tabs on her for the next few days because of the changes in her movement. Though it may be something minor the peace of mind itself will be worth a trip to the doctor or urgent care center in your area. Good luck!
Call today. Could be his ears, or something else, but doesn't sound like waiting is a good idea.
I would definitely call the pediatrician, I wouldnt even wait until Monday. Call the office and the answering service can put you in touch with your doctor or whomever is on call. It could be nothing, but it could be something that needs attention too!!
Good luck
Call the doctor and speak to the nurse so that you get in today. If you cannot get it, take him to urgent care. This is nothing to mess around with.