Makes you wonder who he is really befriending at camp, doesn't it? Most of it unfortunately is just "fun" stuff, frankly, to a child. In today's society where the adults who are not the parents are not allowed to discipline or to punish a child they resort to writing them up and suspending them is a punishment to the child. Well, guess what, it isn't. The child could basically care less if they are unable to attend and the only one punished is the parent. The parent is being punished because the adults aren't paying attention to what is going on and responsible enough to admit it. Adults can prevent many things from happening, if they don't then counciling the children, and having a list of acceptable punishments like washing the floor on hands and knees, etc., or making the child sit with them instead of participating in "fun" activities for the rest of the day at school or camp.
What has he been watching on television? What books has he been reading? Frankly everything you are describing has been done several times in books and on television shows and in movies that have been shown on television and all of them are rated at the most PG13.
Instead of writing the children up and suspending them the adults in charge of the camp should be putting the children in time out until counciled and then assigning them work to do instead of allowing them to take part in "fun" activities. Instead of admitting they are not "watching" the children it is easier to not take responsibility for behaviors and actions they have allowed to go on. I do admit the lunchroom scene was a little beyond their immediate control and I agree totally inappropriate. The children involved should have had the parents notified, and then had to do lunch room clean up for the next week after apologizing to the entire group.
What you are going to do is to restrict his pleasure time at home, make him help you work at home, help clean, help fold laundry, help do dishes, and he will have to offer his meager savings to the parent's of the child whose shoe he flushed to replace a pair of shoes.
Then you are going to sit down with the "adults" at the camp and explain to them your concerns about how well they are actually watching the children under their care. An altercation where self-defense becomes a write up is unacceptable when the Supreme Court in the State of Indiana upholds your right to defend yourself in like situations. A time frame that allows the children access to someone else's shoe for long enough to take it and "flush" it means the adults were not doing their job and they need to be responsible as well.
Congrats on the new job, I wish I could find one!