I would take him to the doctor. Mono makes you really tired and worn down, but could be growing. Better to be safe! Good luck!
After Christmas, my 6 yr. son came down with a bad cold. After about a week, he really became lethargic with it. The Dr. suspected a sinus infection and gave him antibiotics. After a few days, he was definitely more himself. However, I have noticed ever since then he does overall seem more tired. On the weekends, our kids have to "rest" for 45 minutes after lunch. Some of these days my son is actually falling asleep for 2-3 hrs. His level of activity has not increased. He still loves to play ball, play with his action figures, etc. However, on some evenings, by 7:00 you can tell he is worn out. I ask him is anything is wrong.....he just says that he is tired. Should I be worried or contact my pediatrician??
Thank you all for your great responses. I took all of your advice and called my pediatrician. Since he is eating well and acting normal otherwise, she wants to give it a couple of weeks. She says that it could be a lingering virus. If things don't improve, she will run some blood work to check for anemia, mono, etc.
Again, I appreciate you sending in your thoughts. I immediately felt better!
I would take him to the doctor. Mono makes you really tired and worn down, but could be growing. Better to be safe! Good luck!
I would definately contact your peditrician. Although he could be going thru a growth spurt and kids tend to need more sleep when they do this. Has anything else changed like appetite. I would definately take note of any other changes and talk to your peditrician. I would also talk to your sons teacher if he is in school to see if maybe there have been changes there too.
hi there... I'm not sure what others have said but I truly believe that any time that you are concerned about your child's health then you should see the doctor. I mean, what could it hurt?
I recently took my son in for a couple bruises on his hips that he had for over 2months. It turned out to be overly dry skin (skin discoloration that resembled bruises) but now I know and I feel better. :) Just thought I'd let you know.
Worried . . . no. Contact your pediatrician . . . yes! You know your kid better than anyone else. If his activity and energy levels have changed so much that you notice a big difference, then by all means, take him to the doctor. I'm not saying that there is something necessarily "wrong" with him, but maybe some lingering infection or something that is just getting him down. Explain your concerns to your pediatrician. Always, always trust your instincts with your children.
I would definitely dontact a pediatrician, just to be on the safe side. Kids are usually bouncing around if they are truly over it. K.
not to alarm you but i would take him to another doctor just to be sure for the childs sake you dont want to have the doctors over look anything with him i would take away the nap and find some outdoors play boys like to be entertained and going all the time he could just be bored or something you need to let the doctor be aware of this should be discussed with the doctor first and see if its boredom or just playing to hard.
He could have allgeries or something similar that is preventing him from sleeping very well at night. I had a lot of sinus problems when I was younger and my oldest son does. There can be a number of things that are preventing him from a restful sleep at night. Speak to your doctor about allergy testing. Allergies seem to go hand in hand with sinus problmes. Another possibality is that his sinus infection didn't go away, that's not that uncommon either. It's best to talk with the dr if he's more tired than usual. The sooner you address this the less likly it will become a problem.
I agree with everyone else that you should talk to your ped again. Did they test for mono the first time? I know many young kids, including my daughter at age 5 that have had mono. It does take quite awhile to get back to "normal" after that.