Been there and still doing that!! My five year old does the same with making up things I have said. I finally stopped arguing with him about it and that has helped. If he says something then I firmly look at him, bending down to his level and I tell him that he knows that I did not say that, but if he continues this behavior he will go to his room and he has been sent several times, but I stay consistent and usually after that warning, he stops. Also, I go through the "forever" rantings also, I think that that might be do to the fact that they really don't have a concept of time. I taught my son how to tell time and that has helped some with that, because I show him on the clock how long it will be or on the calendar if it is days we are talking about. I just stopped giving in to the drams of it all and he doesn't seem to want to do it as much. Hope all goes well.