Can I ask why you are against nursing her down? If it is for your sanity that is one thing, if it is because you have heard or read that you shouldn't, then ignore all that advice. Do what is right for your daughter. Not all kids need this, or want this, but it sounds like your daughter does.
I nursed my son down every night, and if I was out my husband or my mother bottled feed him. Sometimes it was more than I wanted to do every night but as the months passed I decided to go with it and enjoy it. Why not nurse her down if that is what she enjoys. What a great way to drift off to sleep!
As my son neared his first birthday, I would nurse him and he would begin to stay awake and I could lay him down in his crib stay in the room reading and he would drift off to sleep. Now he is 14 months old and he is no longer nursing. I am able to read to him, lay him down and still stay in the room as he falls asleep. Your daughter will make the change when she is ready.
My son also was nursed down for naps or walked in the stroller. Do what works for you and your daughter.