I would suggest changing the room around,
the Doorway should not be visible
and the closet should be blocked
Go around the room and clean it up ,
Pay special attention to UNDER the bed,
the 5 year old should be helping to clean, and arrange the room,
Buy a couple lavender scented night light plug in's.
plug them in the hallway and the bathroom.
and purchase a dream catcher, you could even make one.
remind her to remove her socks at night before bed,
and Absolutely NO, NO caffiene.
These may sound absurd however, it works LOL
My oldest son was scared of the dark,
So I went about trying to fix things,
each thing works for diffrent reasons
I heard from another mother that wearing socks at night causes bad dreams, ( I thought what kinda of craziness is that LOl but heck it was free so i tried it,)
I told him if he removed his socks no more night mares,
and it worked,
then a while passed, and i introduced the dream catcher and read him the story about them.
( i am sure you can find one on line)
Moving the bed around helps because they can't see whats down the hall when they awaken, they see whatever is on the wall
( just make sure its something comforting)
the lavender is relaxing and the light removes shadows.
Cleaning the room together, allows her to see whats in the room, and the there is no way for a moster or scarey person to get in.
Blocking the closet --blocks out monsters,
last things is one evening before bed, and after it gets dark , go in her room and listen to the sounds, and discuss them, look at shadows an talk about them,
turn the light on and off till she gets it.
If its something outside , help her understand.
NOw this is not to say she will never do it again,
BUT it certainly helps to have created an enviornment of safety, security, and comfort.
you could also, play a radio with soft classical music WHILE she sleeps. and leave it on,
Hope these ideas help.
Good luck
Mother of 3