4Yr Old Snowman Party

Updated on January 30, 2012
L.J. asks from Virginia Beach, VA
5 answers

Does anyone have any cute sentences I could put on my 4 yr old daughters snowman birthday invitations? It's going to be a sledding snow party, snowman themed if that helps. The only thing I have come up with "Burr thday" party so far but thats it!
Thanks for your help

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answers from Austin on

I don't have any suggestions on sentences, but I saw a picture of some snowman cookies a friend made... they were so cute!


There's a tutorial on how to make them...... they are "melted snowman cookies" ..........

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Chicago on

Your a friend so here's the scoop
Join us to make Snowman soup

Join us for "X"'s birthday on "X" day/time

(snow man soup is hot chocolate w/marshmallows)



answers from Lincoln on

I like Burr thday Party!!! Sometimes the first thought is the best! What a fun party!!



answers from Norfolk on

snow wish you could join us

we're gonna have a snowball of fun



answers from Richmond on

Like a gentle snow on a winter's day,
we're celebrating x's burrr thday

before the snow melts in the sun
come on over and join the fun

Also you can try to come up with something "wintery" that rhymes with her age.

There are some very easy recipes for making homemade marshmallows on the internet (I know www.moneysavingmom.com has one). If you need a cheap goodie bag idea, you could make your own marshmallows (even cut them into cute shapes or the # to correspond with her age) and put those along with a packet of hot cocoa mix (or loose cocoa mix) in a bag. If you wanted to go one step further, you could dip some plastic spoons in melted chocolate and let harden then put those in there too! The silver plastic spoons would be super cute for that! Afix with a bow that matches your color scheme, a little note saying "A treat to warm you after our snow-tacular party - thanks for coming (or something - you get the idea)" and a cut out snowflake. Love the party idea - I'm sure it's going to be adorable and fun!

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