I am so sorry to hear that your transition to motherhood was such a negative experience. I would be extremely upset too.
It is exceedingly rare for a mother to get a 4th degree tear w/o an episiotomy, but if you are not properly coached & supported through the pushing phase, it can (obviously) happen. I assume that you were in a lying down position instead of squatting?
I can also tell you that had you had a c/section, your recovery time would've been just as long or longer & that the chances of having subsequent problems (both short-term AND long-term) would be significantly greater.
Has anyone suggested the use of a progestin cream at all?--That can help w/ vaginal pain sometimes. I got a 2nd degree tear w/ my first & I know the kind of pain that you're talking about. It took a while for mine to go away, but eventually it did.
When you're recovering from your surgery, I would suggest using a couple of things to facilitate healing. 1) Arnical Montana, which you can get at any health food store in a little pellet form. You simply put a few of them under your tongue several times a day. If you want a stronger, more potent dose, you'd need to see a Naturopath for a prescription. 2) Herbal Sitz Bath from www.EverythingBirth.com is amazing!!!!! I got some for my sons homebirth & even though I tore again (again a 2nd degree), my recovery time was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much less painful & prolonged! I didn't use it as a sitz bath as often as I should've, but I did put it in my peri bottle & WOW what a difference!!!
Again, I'm so very sorry for all of the trauma that you've had to deal with. Sadly, this is how births with OBs often go.--They spend NO time with their patients. They only come in for "the catch" & the nurses are too under-staffed & have too many protocols working against them to be of as much help as they could be.
In the future, if you'd like some additional support & information, www.facebook.com/EmpoweredBirthPA has some fantastic resources!
Hang in there!