My daughter has done this many times and I remember a time when she was 4 when she would scream all the way to "camp" every day. She was fine once I left. Turns out her favorite teacher moved to a different room and her best friend moved away and she just couldn't verbalize how she was feeling. When she started a new school after that, I warned the director about what she was going through and she came in and met the teacher before hand. We talked about how great it was to be a big girl going to a big girl place. She wasn't happy the first day but wasn't crying, and the teacher knew her story so she grabbed her and got her involved in an activity before she had a chance to react. I think several years later she would still choose to stay with me if possible, but she does realize that there are some fun things she will miss. She was hyperventilating on her way to camp on her first day this morning and I coached her telling her to take deep breaths and that I would be there to pick her up at the end of the day. I never gave her any option but that she would go. So when she said that she wouldn't go, I would just smile and say that she had to go and that I was positive she would have so much fun.