My son went through this stage also!! It can get soo frustrating at times!! But hang in there!! My only suggestion is to put her in time out but make sure that her time out is 4 minutes long BUT it starts when she calms down and quits throwing a tantrum. With my son I had to sit on the edge of the chair so he couldn't get out. He would kick and scream and i would calmly tell him that he must sit in time out and it doesn't start until you calm down. Then after his 4 minutes were up, I would sit net to him and ask him why he was in time out and what he can do next time to not get in time out. I would also use it as a few minutes of quiet time to talk about right and wrong choices and anything else that might need to be brought up about behavior. After a week of this, he finally calmed down and quit throwing fits. Most importantly is to not show them that you are getting frustrated with them. They tend to push you harder when they know that it's bothering you cuz they think they might get their way!! It just takes time and consistency before you will see results. Hope this helps!! Feel free to email me if you need any more help!!