Two things: Does DD have a fever? And has Granny had her flu and pneumonia shots this year?
Fever is a no go...even if it's low-grade.
And if Granny is not yet immunized, it is not a good idea to possibly bring in a contagen.
Hi Moms, my (almost) 4 yo has had a cough since Friday; no fever, just a cough. It sounds a little wet, not just dry. She didn't feel well Friday after I picked her up from MDO and took a nap (she can usually make it through the day without one). Her nose was a little snotty yesterday morning but is isn't any more. She is acting fine, running around, playing, screaming, eating, etc...but still coughing :( We have plans today to go to my Granny's house. She is 84 and super healthy & never gets sick. My brother & his 3 kids (5,6,7 yrs old) will be there but, as my DH says, they're probably sick too! ;) (They r sick alot)...So given her symptoms & the amount of time that has passed, do you think I could take her to my Granny's today? Is she still contagious? I dont like spreading germs, just not sure if she's still contagious. What about taking her to MDO tomorrow? Not sure what to do. Again, she never had a fever. Thanks Mommas!
Two things: Does DD have a fever? And has Granny had her flu and pneumonia shots this year?
Fever is a no go...even if it's low-grade.
And if Granny is not yet immunized, it is not a good idea to possibly bring in a contagen.
Maybe call your Granny and let her know first so she can decide if she wants to risk the exposure. Call your brother too. Best to get the opinions from those you will be around.
I know in our area mold and pollen are extremely high and even those who don't usually suffer from allergies are feeling the effects.
Something could just be irritating her throat and causing the cough.
I know my son has been coughing a lot lately but he has spring allergies. I've been keeping him on allergy medication.
With no fever, I would take her still.
I always used the fever "rule". If mine was running fever I assumed he was contagious. Since we have allergies in my family, a cough and/or a runny nose never automatically meant he was sick and contagious. In fact, to listen to us both this weekend you would think we were the sick family - but we are both just having allergies and are coughy and snotty.
I live in the same area and our family is having the same problem. I think most of it is fall allergies starting and all of the smoke in the air from the wildfires in Montgomery, Waller, and Grimes counties. I don't know if I have just gotten used to the smell of smoke so that I don't really smell it anymore but I know it has to still be in the air.
I would call the others and let them know what is going on and ask them how they would feel about you bringing her. If they are OK with it, just remind to wash her hands a lot and to cough into her elbow not her hands. That will cut down on the spread of germs if it is something other than allergies. If they are uncomfortable at all, be understanding and don't take it personally. If it was me, I would not have any problem with it but some people are very germophobic and are scared to death of anyone who even looks like they might be sick. I have also suffered from allergies all of my life and I know my body well enough that 99% of the time I can tell when it is allergies and when it is a cold.
Hope she gets better soon.
Sounds like it could be a cold. Has she needed to blow her nose? One sign is if the mucus is yellowish green, then it's usually some sort of cold virus. MDO should be fine, but I would skip granny's until she is better just to be safe. Make sure she is drinking plenty of fluids and lots of hand washing!
it might be from the smoke in the wild fires my kids are a bit icky too and i have a weird itchy in the back of my nose. if she has no fever i would think it was due to the smoke.
Cold viruses without fevers are still contagious.
We live just south of the Woodlands and my daughters and I have been coughing for two weeks. No fevers, just coughing and stuffy noses. I'm going on the educated guess that in our case, it's due to the current dryness (no rain to wash away the dust and pollen) plus the smoke from the wildfires. We all have seasonal allergies and asthma and this year they're worse. Talk to your pediatrician's nurse about easing her cough and what to watch for if it gets worse.
Good luck.
Awe, I feel bad for you. I'm sure you want to go see grandma. However, it sounds like she has a cold virus to me; viruses often do not cause fever but I would be willing to bet she's still contagious. I bet the worst of it has passed though. I would worry more that your grandmother (with a weaker immune system) could pick up this cold and it could turn into something much worse for her. Pnemonia, bronchitis, a cracked rib from coughing, infection, etc. If you do decide to go, I would really, really try to keep her away from grandma. Let the kids play outside, keep her hands sanitized like a crazy woman. Maybe even go as far as sanitizing door handles, etc. before you leave her house. We very often avoid illness spreading through our house by being maniacs like this. As for MDO, if she sounds awful and looks awful, don't take her. If she seems like she's on the mend, it is probably okay. There's nothing worse than dropping your child off and seeing a snotty nosed, red eyed, coughing child being dropped off with yours. :) Makes me want to take my child and run! :) Good luck. Hope she's better soon.
I see you live in spring, the air quality has been pretty terrible lately there and a lot of people in that area are having a rough time with cough. I would still go about your business and just wash hands and make sure she covers her cough with her elbow to avoid spreading germs.