No one chooses to be Gay. Playing with dolls doesn't make a boy gay...anymore then playing with trucks makes a girl a Lesbian. It isn't something learned and it doesn't rub off on straight people making them gay...Gays and Lesbans don't develope the art of being so....Being gay just is...being straight...just is and their is no cure or changing it either.
I played with everyone's hair as a child...I grew up being a great hair dresser. Maybe your sons fascination with dresses will one day mean he'll be a great clothes designer. Who knows...
My guess is your husbands thoughts about his son being gay is a reflection on his own manly hood...he's ego. Small minded, Lack of education about it...and fear his son will be anything different then him. I tend to think maybe it's best at this time for you and your husband to go for couples therapy and come to terms with his own inner stuff about sexuality.
Your husband needs to get educated...learn about the lives of gays and lesbians....they love, live, breathe, bleed and pay taxes the same as straight people.
He needs to learn that excepting is part of LOVE. That being judgmental causes harm.
My guess is, half the people he knows are gay but he's just not aware of it...At his job, gym, doctors office, bank, players on his favorite sports game, a neighbor, a cousin, the cop who gave him his last parking ticket, the judge he stood before to deal with that ticket, the waitress, the waiter who severed him...the army, the airforce, etc. etc. etc. There is a huge population of gay people and they are everywhere in every country, in every community..
Your son probably at this point is feeling, yet not fully understanding your husbands attitudes towards him. Kids hear parents pick up on things, they aren't stupid, they just don't fully understand what it all means...what they have done wrong...etc..
Your son if he is Gay, will need a great deal of love and support if and when HE discovers this himself...and is strong enough to come out of the closet to let it be known....
It's not easy for one to realize they are gay and to come to terms with it themselves...since most of them are raised by straight parents in a straight world. Many stay in the closet in fear of their families rejecting them while others live that rejection and hate that comes across to them for who they are...Children for the most part have it the hardest as they understand less, have less choices and are very dependent on their parents....
Did you know many children who realize they are gay commit suicide because of the lack of love and support of their families...Yes, it's true and very sad..
Your husband needs to wake his son now and matter what.