Whoa, 3.5 months is way too young to start your baby on a schedule. I would wait at least 2 more months until she is mature enough. Then you can try the nap schedule.
As for the pattern, instead of watching the clock, watch her cues. Generally speaking the first nap should be about 2 hours after waking for the day, then 3 hours from 1st nap wakeup to the next nap, then 4 hours to the next nap or bedtime. For example, at 9 mos, DS would wake up between 6 and 6:30, so I would start getting him down for the first nap around 8:15, but only if he showed signs of being tired then. Sometimes it would be earlier, sometimes later. The 2-3-4 rule is a general guideline.
As for the 3rd and 4th nap, by the time your DD is old enough to be on a schedule, that 4th nap will most likely be better served as her bedtime.
And if she is breastfed, please don't let her CIO at this age. She needs you now, for more than just nourishment.