yep sounds like that nasty flu. I just didnt feel right for about a week and then the flu symtoms came. It lingers for a while. If you feel this way for 4 weeks go to the ob/gyn.
I am confused. At first I thought I was getting sick as I felt feverish but only had a temp of 99.9, body aches, feeling like I have to cough all the time, night sweats, fatigue and headache. I suffer from chronic migraines but not just headaches that hang around and 99% of time go away with Tylenol. The only thing that comes up with my symptoms is premenopause. I have been through two medical menopause treatments before I was 27 so I know what to expect but that was much worse than this. I have three children, my last one born last Sept and still nursing. I also had my tubes tied during my c-section in Sept. Any suggestions besides pre-menopause? I just feel yucky. :(
Thank you too everyone who responded. I have a lot of research to do. I looked up the premature ovarian failure on mayoclinic.com and that is dead on with what is happening but it still could be something else until I am officially tested. Thanks again!!
yep sounds like that nasty flu. I just didnt feel right for about a week and then the flu symtoms came. It lingers for a while. If you feel this way for 4 weeks go to the ob/gyn.
Have you been to the doctor? I hope you are not getting a breast infection. Try and rest as much as you can and drink, drink drink.
I am 33 and experienced some of those same symptoms, as well as some additional ones last fall. A trip to my gynecologist told me that very often around this age, PMS symptoms can begin to worsen--heading to the pre-menopause you mention. PMS can degenerate into something worse that they treat with a mood stabilizer to help even out the symptoms. (It is a four letter acronym that I can't remember right now) If you look on Web MD under PMS, it will list the full range of symptoms and you can also get the name :) Your gynecologist will want to put you on the pill to treat it first, and if that is not successful, the mood stabilizer would likely be suggested next. I was so young I didn't want to go the route of hormones and medication, so I took a trip to my local Good Earth store and got an herbal blend called "Hormonal Changease". Which helped tremendously. I also have a good friend that does reflexology and THAT has made a huge difference. I am almost completely symptom free. I only have mild symptoms when I am having my cycle--and everyone has those! Good luck! C. D
Although most of the symptoms could be pre-menopausal the cough doesn't fit with it. It could be the nasty bug that is going around. I'd check with a doctor to see if they can help or at least figure out what is wrong. If it is menopause you'll have lots more decisions to make on the treatment, and it is possible to go through it at any age, just more likely later (51 is the average age for menopause I heard a few years ago, but that means some younger and some older).
Good luck and see a doctor to get it checked out.
Have your Dr do the flu test on you, it is simple and quick. Flu can last for up to a week. Also they can do a test to find out with your hormones if in fact you are going through menopause early. It all varies for each woman but I would talk to your Dr unless you already have. Make sure it isn't allergy to something, even enviornmental going on in your home. Do you have a mold issue in your area? If it is a wet and constant cough have them check you for whooping cough...I hope you are feeling better soon.
I am also 31 and I think I have this problem too. However, I have been struggling with adult acne for the last 3 years and so I'm reading now that it may have to do with low levels of estrogen. Which is also another symptom of menopause. I also have migraine headaches, yeast infections, major fatigue, and hot flashes. I'm tired of it. I don't know if birth control pills will help or an estrogen patch. But, I share your pain.
There is HOPE! I am an at home daycare provider, 3 children as well, and a complete HORMONAL mess this past 10 years, until now. I silently battled PMS, the moods swings, the irritablity, the horrific cravings, the depression(s) with each child, and much more, UNTIL I found Natural Balancing Cream. I also have been able to lose 45 pounds, effortlessly, this past 6 months. I have a new glow, confidence, energy, and all around balanced feel to my being. If you are more interested in where I found the Natural Balancing Cream and are Proactive about your health care, give me a call at ###-###-#### I would LOVE to SHARE with you what I know. In all HOPE! Nell
If you are nursing I don't think you are premenopausal. You can go into your doctor and they will take your blood and do a test that can tell you what your levels are and if you are in fact premenopausal. You may have something else going on. You should go in and have a check up. Tying your tubes should not throw you into menopause. It is when you have a hysterectomy and have your ovaries removed that would happen. Are you getting enough sleep, drinking lots of water, etc.... :)
I am 25 and have those exact same symptoms. Turns out my son gave me RSV which in adults, presents as a horrible sinus symptoms, cough, headache with a low grade fever. My doctor said Mucinex-D and Tylonol which are safe for breast feeding and a humidifier. So check with your doctor, it could just be a cold/virus.
This is a long-shot, but check out the symptoms for lymes disease. -RG
Your symptoms sound like the flu that has really hit Colorado, both my kids, my husband and I have all had it with varying degrees of fever, cough, and yucky yucky body aches. It really lingers, all you can do is rest and take some ibuprofen or Tylenol for the aches. It has taken me about 3 weeks to feel totally better, I was still fatigued after the fever and pain were gone, and the coughing can stick around for a couple of weeks. My mother is a nurse and she said she has seen a TON of cases with these exact symptoms.
Hope you feel better soon, I wouldn't worry about it unless it lasts more than 3 weeks or so.
K. B,
I understand exactly what you are explaining! I too have been struggling with those symtoms and I am 34 years old. The thought of pre-menopause HAS crossed my mind. I was starting to think something was wrong with me!
Best of luck getting some feedback and some answers. I'm in that same boat you are and the only thing we can do is keep rowing together to keep the boat afloat (ha ha).
H. F of Colorado
I am sure menopause at 31 is possible but not very likely. Here is a link that provides some info but I am sure if you google/search early age menopause you will find some other sites as well.
Best wishes.
My best friend was 31ish and having menopausal symptoms. They tested her and her levels showed post-menopausal. They ended up figuring out that she had autoimmune ovarian failure. You could be tested for something like that.
You should have your doctor check you for Lymphoma, my mother had the same symptoms and was told it was just menopause for 9 years before she was finally diagnosed! I know that is a scary thing to think about having, but if you catch it early it is very treatable! Good Luck
K., within 2 months of my son's birth, after 4 miscarriages, I started having the same symtoms as you describe. I went to my OB/GYN and he said I was too young to be going through memopause, I was 40. He diagnosed me having premature ovarian failure. In essence it is just like menopause. My doctor did put me on hormone treatments which definitely helped my symptoms. Don't worry, you will not have to go through this experience again at the average age for menopause. Since you obviously do not wish to have more children look at this as a blessing, no more monthly periods, bloating, moodiness, etc. My husband and I would have like to have atleast one more baby but my body simply said NO WAY! I had a very difficult pregnancy and birth but it was well worth it. My son is now 17 and driving, now that is scary!!! Wishing you the best.
I was just a couple of years older than you when I started having the same symptoms. I also broke out in a sweat when I laid on my left side and had to kick the blankets off. When I rolled over to the right I woke chilled and hurting and had to cover myself up again. The doctors thought I was crazy. There were 3 things going on then for me that I have found out years later. 1)The hot flashes were from reflux. It also causes caughing and aggravates asthma. Can even be the cause of asthma. 2)My diet was too high in protein and I was developing gout. It wasn't in my big toe, it was all over my body. That's why I hurt when I was cold. 3)I also was making bread a couple of times/week. It was so good! I have a wheat intolerance, not a real allergy, but when I have it several times per week, it aggravates the reflux and I also develop a yeast infection. ARGGH. It also showed up as chronic sinus infections which can cause migraines. Fatigue, that's easy, you're not sleeping restfully.
Sometimes, meds do not do a good enough job on reflux. I try to keep away from wheat as much as possible. I ate vegetarian for 18 months and the gout all but disappeared. I used a wild yam cream from the health food store and it helped a bit with the for real hot flashes. Soy helps with hot flashes, even just a glass of soy milk each day. You might have the same thing I did, you may not. You never mentioned anyhting about hormone level tests. I really hope you find out a lot sooner than I did.
This may sound crazy- Are you taking a multivitamin?
Write me if you don't think I sound to crazy and you are on multivitamins-I am 30 and have suffered from migrans since I started having children...
Fever, night sweats are systemic symptoms and you should see your primary care MD for a work-up. Sounds like some kind of infection. Don't diagnose yourself.
p.s. I'd check out Holistic Medical Center
Dr.Paul Berger, and Brigit Mars and Drew Henderson
Cool folks of Boulder
Don't self diagnose. See a doctor. I wouldn't take migraines lightly. Moms are so good about taking care of their kids but not themselves. You need to take care of yourself so you can be there for your kids.