ok with the adenoid thing i know nothing about, but i can tell you a little about them being put to sleep my little boy was 3 in september when he had to have 4 teeth removed and they decided to put him under i guess you could call in because it would be less painful... they let him be him self all the way up until they actually took him into surgery, what they do is put a gas mask over there face to put them to sleep it takes less than a min... yes trust me its pitful but it save from them seeing the needle put in their hand... if the hospital is anything like mine was they'll let one of the parents go back with him until he goes to sleep.. also if he has anything like a blacket or a teddy bear that he sleeps with and coforts him make sure you take that with you... tell the nurse to put it on him or have the stuff animal in his arms when he wakes up... i promise you, you will wrry but he'll do fine... also he will be droggy for like 6 hrs after and can't really eat because of the meds that they give him but trust me he is a kid he'll be fine by the next day i know mine was... oh yea this is a great way to break them from the sippy cup... hopefully this is enough info for ya.. good luck