Hi K., I know exactly what you are going through. I went through the same thing when my daughter went to a big girl bed. Discipline and fear is not going to help in this situation. I used a reward system. Most two year olds, love stickers. I hung a calander up over my daughters bed, and every night that she slept in her bed, she got to put a sticker up in the morning. We started with a short amount, 1 week. If she completed a whole week, she got a special suprise, whether that was time with mom doing something fun, or a new small toy, whatever you think is best. Then we made the time longer. By the time we got to a whole month, she didn't seem to care that much about the rewards anymore. Now, if she got out of bed, I would simply remind her of her sticker and she would go back. If she absolutely refuses don't let her sleep with you. Have a 'bed' made next to your bed, so she feels close, but you still get to sleep. Also, when she does earn a sticker make sure to praise her generously. This will tell her that she has done something good and made mommy happy and proud. Hope this helps and let us know. Sincerely, K.