Oh L.! Congratulations! Please read "The thinking woman's guide to a better birth" by Henci Goer. There is a lot of statistical data about this. If you meet the following conditions, there is no great risk of a ruptured uterus!!!!
If you are under 34, have had 4 years since your last C section, had a low transverse incision and a double uterine suture, you have about NO extra risk of a rupture. The risk is statistically the same as a 1st time birth of any sort.
In 1996 there was one negligence lawsuit in San Antonio when a mom VBACed in a hospital here and the dr. left the hospital, she ruptured (I don't know the details of her rupture) and now no doctor that I spoke with will do it in the city. It is about lawsuits. My OB, Dr. Lackritz said that he'd done tons and never had a complication. But after that one lawsuit (with another dr.) his insurance company saw it as a potential liability and that was the end of it. He encouraged me to find a way to VBAC, even though he could not attend it.
I VBACed at home and had a long labor, 44 hours actually, but my healthy baby boy was born by candlelight and in the presence of loving gentle people.
Birth is my specialty. I am a doula and I'm studying to be a midwife. If you have any questions, please write me. My son would have been a c-section, too, but I couldn't let them do that to us. I'm so glad I did my research!
Good luck!