I agree with the bit back but the hot sauce sounds pretty good.My son had been bit by another child on his hand and it got infected and I can tell you it wasnt pretty when the mom had to pick up my medical bill.
HELP I NEED SUPER NANNY! What do you do to make a bull-headed toddler stop biting when she doesn't get her way? I have tried everything and I mean everything, timeout, taking favorite items away, swatting bottom, putting her in her room, everything. Yes, I reward all good behavior and try not to harp on the bad. What else do I do?
Thanks for all the suggestions, I have bit her back. It didnt work. I guess I left out the part that she mostly bites the kids at daycare when they have a toy or something she wants or when she gets mad at them. The sitter and I have tired everything, its just now getting to a point that the other parents are complaining, not that I blame them. I just dont know what to do anymore. She even knows she is not suppose to bite. When I get there to pick her up she tells me who she bit where.
I agree with the bit back but the hot sauce sounds pretty good.My son had been bit by another child on his hand and it got infected and I can tell you it wasnt pretty when the mom had to pick up my medical bill.
Bite her back simple. Do say I told you that but it works and did with my kids. G. W
My girlfriend had the same issue - she bit her son back - that happened about 4 times and then he stopped biting. I've never tried this method myself and not sure even how I feel about it (not sure if I could bring myself to bite my little guy), but she swears by it.
My second daughter has just gotten over the biting stage and she just turned three. I completely understand how you are feeling because I felt like I had tried everything too. This in one suggestion that might work for you -- After biting, give her a teaspoon of one of the following: vinegar, hot sauce, horseradish, or wing sauce. My daughter got accustomed to these and they didn't work well with her. But maybe they will for you. All those things are edible and will not cause any harm except for a hot tongue! I also tried soap in the mouth, but my daughter just bit through it. I finally gave it and bit her back as many people had suggested to me. I guess it worked, but I left a bruise and felt bad seeing it and hurting her that way. All I can say now is that I think she has finally outgrown the biting stage. Stick with it..and it does get better! Good luck~
Consistency is key pick the punishment and stick with it. We do time out. If she bites... first time 2 minutes... next time 5 minutes. Also, it helps when, if possible, both parents play a roll in the punishment. I have found my daughter loves to push my buttons, but if my husband backs me up, she is more likely to back down. My daughter doesn't bite anymore.
It is really a phase to see how far she can get away with things. The more of a reaction she gets from you, the more often this will happen. If you can handle it in a calm way it will resolve faster.
All mine went through this stage. Biting back is the only thing that really worked. Normally it takes about 3 times. Be consistent. Bite firmly but not enough to really hurt or break the skin.
I know this sounds weird but my mom has 9 children and she rarely had any problem like a child would try it once and then she would bite them back not real hard but just good enough they knew what it felt like and they normally never bit again.I think I would try it she would explain to them how it hurts and mama is going to show you how it feels and now you dont like it so they dont either type o deal!!
consitency is the best form of punishement that way they know what to expect. i do time-out... whenever my 2 year old exhibits what i would consider bad behavior i give a warning. if behavior is not fixed then she gets 2 minutes in time-out. however, it usually takes consistency and a few days.