Music is what works for my kids. I have always used soft music, usually lullabies, with my kids for sleep. But we also have a bed time routine that is easy and my kids love routine. First, we go upstairs and change into pj's (some nights it's bath first). Then we pick out a book, and cuddle. Then it's hugs and kisses, turn on the music, turn out the lights, and time for bed. Now here is the best part. If my kids wake during the night, all I have to do is turn on their music and BAM their right back to sleep. Now you have to remember, that any bedtime "bad habits" will take time to undo. And since there is a new baby in the house, it may be difficult to start any changes right now. I know not what you want to hear. But if you can get a routine that you like, keep it up for a couple weeks before you give up hope. Try the music. It helps set the mood. I even use it for nap time. It helps.