I just wanted to say hello. I don't really have advice on the baby not talking much,only that my pediatrican told me once that don't cater to the noises they make, make them ask me for stuff. If you ignore the noises they make, for like wanting a drink, etc. etc., they will start to talk more because they will have to. Play music (childrens music)especially the classical music, like the mozart for math, that is geared towards baby brains. Also, I read about your 6 year old daughter that lives with her father in NC and he is making it hard for you to see her. I understand what you are going through and it is hard. I have twins that just turned 7 and me and my ex seperated when they were turning 3. I lived her in Fl and he moved back to Ga. After about 5 months, he asked if they could come visit for a week while he was on vacation and I said sure. (everything was cordial..we were only seperated). Well when the week was up, and I went to pick them up, he never showed up, refused to give them back, 3 months of court and they felt I was only wanting them to spite him, so they let him keep them. Talk about a bomb explode in my heart. I was a stay at home mom, since they were born, and the judge did not care. I did get to have them for a week each month until they started school, and now just certain holidays, and a few weeks in the summer. Even after the court order, he makes everything so difficult. They want to stay and tell me we want to live with you, but they are not old enough yet as per the judge. They have to be 12 now. I still have a hard time with it. I feel so guilty, because I want to be a part of their shcool and It is not easy with the distance. I have a 14 year old daughter that lives with me, and they are so jealous and dont understand and is pure he** every visit. He is still difficult, but I bite my tongue so much, because I dont want him to make it harder for me. I am sorry for what he puts you through, just thought you would like to know, that you are not alone. Take Care.
T. C.