Hi S.! First off, remember that every child is different and will do things on their own timeline. That being said, I think you have cause for concern. My now 4 year old son had a vocabulary of less than 10 words at 18mos old and we, and his doctor were concerned about the lack of speech. Contact your peditrician and express your concerns, he/she may want your girl to be evaluated. They'll want to check her hearing, sight and speech to rule out any medical problems that are affecting her speaking ability. Kentucky has a program called First Steps, I'm sure Indiana offers something similar. We got involved in First Stemps (a low to no cost program, it is all income based) and a speech therapist came to our house weekly to work with our son until he turned 3, and when he turned 3, because of his speech delay (his problem is called apraxia, which is something you may want to research) he was automatically admitted to the headstart preschool program where he sees a therapist daily there. My son is now 4 years old, and although he still has quite a few problems getting his words out, it's amazing to see the improvement. There's nothing wrong with being concerned about your daughter, you're just being a good mother. The sooner you act on this though, the sooner she can get help if she needs it.