Personally, at two I would go with playgroups instead. If he has not been around many kids then he may have a lot of adjusting before he would be succesful in a preschool program. If you do playgroups then you are going to be there to help him with sharing and the socialization part of things. He may be a very easy going little boy at home and require very little discipline. You put kids in a group together to share and get along then things can be very different than they are at home. Atleast if you start out with playgroups it will be a learning experience for both of you to prepare him for school. It will also give you an answer to whether or not he is ready to go at it on his own. A real preschool program is usually a couple of mornings a week and it is far less expensive than an all day daycare. My boys were in a preschool three mornings a week starting at the age of three. When those two years were up they were more than ready to move on. Two years is a long time. I can't imagine three. Good luck! Congrats on Baby #2!