when she wakes up keep her in her bed. If she gets up and comes into your room, walk her back to her room. Speak calm and softly. Telling her you love her and its bed time. Sweet dreams and you will see her in the morning. Tell her you will be back in a few minutes and check on her. But mommy will appreciate it if she stays in her bed.
Go back and check on her in a few minutes. Re-assure her you will be back if she starts to cry. Tell her you love her, you are there for her and you are just down the hall or next door to her and you will ALWAYS be there for her if she needs you, but she must stay in bed and call you. You will be back.
Sometimes children wake up because of their REM pattern is over. Does she usually wake up around the same time(s) each night? 12:30a / 3:30a?
If yes, then its when she is coming out of her deep sleep or a night mare.
Its best to not get her in the habit of you being in the room. I did this for my son for far too long and had a DIFFICULT time breaking him of it. Now that he has his very own cool toddler bed, I go in sit next to his bed. We talk, we sing and then I let him know in a few more songs mommy is going out in the living room but I will be back in a bit to check on him. I keep to my promise of when I leave and when I come back. This transition has been a HUGE success for me.
When he tells me "two more minutes mom" or "two more songs", i say okay then I will go and do just that. I made sure to always re-asure my son he was safe, i will ALWAYS be back and that I love him very much.
Each child is different and I can't say for sure, but your daughter will be the one to decide how long this will last. It also depends on your method you use and how well you can re-assure her and work with her on staying in bed and getting her self back to sleep.
Maybe put a night light on? music to help her sleep? Try to find something that teachers her to put herself back to bed without your help. If she still can not do it on her own, then you welcome the opportunity to assist her as best as you possibly can.
DO NOT GIVE IN TO SLEEPING IN HER ROOM!!! you are in for a big problem then! Yes its easier to deal with then her crying for you both to come back. Think of the long term effect of your methods if you always take the easy route. I am paying for mine.
Don't let her nap, if she never use to, don't start a new pattern for her. Keep with what you have been doing before. If at all, put her to bed earlier, like 1-2hrs sooner.
good luck and this till will pass soon, and quickly!