You are disappointed in your parenting because you had a sick child that you tended to and now you are attributing that to her not sleeping well? So, if you had ignored your sick child and she had learned that you wouldn't be there for her when she was sick, you wouldn't be disappointed in your parenting?
I'm confused. She is 19 months old. There are a million reasons why she may be going through this. Molars, illness, growth spurt, developmental milestones, you name it. It may have something, nothing, or everything to do with you being there for her when she was sick.
She doesn't have a sleep problem, you have a problem with her sleeping pattern right now. This too shall pass.
I'm sorry if I am confused, but it sounds like you expect your child to be a perfect sleeper. She's human and I suspect just like you sometimes go through different sleep patterns, so will she. You have a choice to either be there for her and teach her that adults can be relied upon, or let her cry it out because adults can't be bothered at night.
It's your will get lots of opinions from the children should be seen, but not heard cry it out crowd and opinions from those of us who continue to actively parent at night.