Hi Mom,
I think he probably feels your resistance and resentment
Try holding him first thing in the morning before breakfast for atleast 5-7 FULL minutes without wriggling out of if or interupting his time,
IF your DD wants to be held let her sit right next to you and sqeeze and cuddle them both at the same time,
kiss them and when they try to get away don't let them pull them closer to you, and say NO NO WAY I nee you, KISS me KISS me.
they should giggle and laugh
then ask ARE you hungry?
and they should say yes, and then ask them what they want to eat,
and comence to feed them
after they eat, let them play
and then before snack time pick him and her up,
put them on the couch and read them a story,
your 2 year old might want to get down , let her
this is the stage that they get more independent
after the story kiss him and put him down and do whatever it is you do
then before lunch SAME thing except watch a movie or 30 minute show.while holding them,BOTH
After lunch BABY goes for a nap.
and MOMMY and 2 year old have 30-45 minutes of special play time ( cookie cutters and play dough are great, so can makiing real cookies, coloring or doing nails)
then its her nap time.
When the baby wakes ( 30 minutes of cuddling time and reading for him)
then let them play,
I usually like to go outside for a little while
they play and I read a book.
My oldest comes in from school and he and I have homework time together.
then I come inside and prepare dinner, and hopefully they are all tuckered out,
When Daddy comes home, I spend more time with my oldest.
usually its a family show together.
Kisses for each before bed time.
So what I am saying is its best if you initiate the kisses and hugs, then they'll feel more secure and need less attention
Good luck