My son was very tiny and only weighed 16 lb. 8 oz at one year. He only weighed 13 lb. at 6 months and they started doing tests then. He had: salmonella at 9 mos., heart defect diagnosed at 11 mos., H-flu at 11 mos., roseola at 12 mos., and open heart surgery for the heart defect at 17 mos. At age 3 his growth chart started to level off, so we had to see a pediatric endocrinologist. They did a wrist bone x-ray - it showed his bone age was behind his chronological age. He is still thin for his age - he is 21 years old now and weighs 120 lbs. - just like his Dad at this age.
How is he on the growth chart? Have they suggested a pediatric endocrinologist?
M. in EGV