10 Month Old Not Nursing Because of Ear Infection?

Updated on August 26, 2011
K.F. asks from Minneapolis, MN
6 answers

My dd is 10 months old and was diagnosed with her first ear infection four days ago. Since then, she hasn't wanted to nurse. She will nurse for maybe 3/4 minutes then is done. Arches her back away and cries until I quit trying to get her to nurse more... This is not typical at all of how she has nursed while being healthy so I am thinking this must all be related. I wouldn't call it a full blown nursing strike, but has anyone else had this problem? How long did it last? I imagine it must hurt her ears to nurse? The pressure? If anyone has any suggestions on getting through this please let me know! I don't want this to be the end of nursing!

Added: She has been on antibiotics since Monday and have been giving her Infant Motrin for the pain but it seemed to me that after four days it should be getting better....

Added more...I have decided we are going to go to the Dr. in the morning. She is eating solids almost like normal, breakfast/lunch/dinner. Just this afternoon she was still rubbing at her ear that is infected and was very clingy/uncomfortable.

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answers from Washington DC on

I'd call the pediatrician and ask what's up because after 4 days there should be some improvement. Is she eating at all? Will she take expressed milk by some other means? Breastmilk is a "clear liquid" when kids are sick, so if you can get her to take some, it will help.

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answers from Chattanooga on

Maybe you could try expressing milk into a sippy cup, so she doesn't have to suck so hard to drink it. (or a normal cup, if she is able to drink out of them yet...) That way she will still get some nutrition, hopefully. Poor baby, it sucks when they are sick. :(

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answers from Redding on

Ear infections cause swelling in the ears and swallowing hurts.
She will get back to eating once the pressure sibsides.
I wouldn't try to force her to eat. She'll be all right.
Definitely keep up with the antibiotics and you can alternate motrin and tylenol.
If she's not better in a couple of days, I would take her in for a recheck.

I hope she's feeling better soon, poor little thing. Ear infections hurt.

Best wishes.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I went through something similiar with my third son, but due to teething. The first time it happened I had to pump to maintain supply. Then it happened again later and I had to start nursing him when he was sleepy and then also, I would let him play with things while he nursed which distracted him from probably feeling the discomfort. I also was in contact with a La Lache league leader which was a godsend because I was scared that he would wean and she said that he wasn't and she coached me through it. He still nurses and is 2 years old and he loves his nursing times.
Another little advice. Express a little milk and put it in his ear. Breastmilk can help calm the infectious pain and heal it fromt he inside.
Good luck and perserve.....it gets better.

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answers from Tampa on

Suckling the breast is a lot of pressure on the estachian tubes (which connect the throat to the ears) and would definitely cause discomfort. Give her a day or two more for the medication to start working, but continue to offer the breast.



answers from New York on

It hurts to suck probably - is she on antibiotics? What about ibuprofen?

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