Sorry this is happening. She's been through some changes in her routine and she's mixed up.
She's not sleep trained though - that's the problem. Your husband either has to deal with her entirely on his own, or the 2 of you have to agree to sleep train her into her crib.
And you are enjoying her choosing of you - that's the problem too!
If it helps, you aren't the only one who is sleep deprived. Your daughter absolutely needs uninterrupted sleep for her own brain development! I have no idea why your husband is refusing to allow her to learn to do this. Talk to the pediatrician, both of you, and inform the doctor that none of you is sleeping, including the infant, for more than a few hours. The doctor will urge you to stop that!
It's 3 rough nights, on average, to sleep train a child. You have to learn to calm them down without picking them up, and they have to learn to calm themselves.