My little one is 8.5 mths so I don't know how much help I can be but my sister has a 1.5 year old and has gone through this. #1 - be consistent - decide how you are going to handle this type of situation and make sure you and your husband react the same way. Also, from everything I have read, little ones lack empathy until about 18 mths. So, while he may use the word no, he is unlikely to obey you for a bit longer. This is one reason that this is a great time to lay down the foundation for consistency.
Violence - If hiting or any type of violent behavior is exhibited, my sister hold her sons hand and touches it to the person that was being hit, poked etc and has him touch the person softly and says "gentle, gentle".
Temper tantrums - my husband and I were just talking about this one last night and going through some research I had done on how to respond. This is what we have decided to do. Don't fight them. Place the child in front of a mirror and let them watch themselves. Explain to him/her that you cannot understand them when they yell like that and that you will talk to them once they calm down. Then, just wait. If my husband and/or I are out in public we will try to remove our selves from the situation and go to the car for this.