Tell Me What You Love About Your Kids

Updated on November 18, 2011
R.J. asks from Seattle, WA
27 answers

This is a site where we keep ourselves from putting our heads through drywall out of frustration, learn 1001 various tips and tricks to survive parenting &/or be better at it. By NATURE it's "Aaaaaaaaargh! Has anyone???"

So lets rock the boat for a minute: It's time to whip out the bragsheets

What makes your kid or kids the BEST, coolest, most amazing people you've ever met? What's special and cool about them? What are some of your favorite stories/ memories?

Time to ante up mamas and papas.

Tell me how your kids hung the moon.

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answers from Portland on

My 40 year old daughter is sweet, thoughtful, playful and witty, irreverent yet respectful when appropriate, generous and warm-hearted, caring and giving, a terrific wife and mother, better-than-average housekeeper, successful career woman, absolutely everything I could have hoped she would be. She's smart, intellectual, open-minded, and always willing to learn. She doesn't put up with $#!@ from anybody – well, nobody but her boss, anyway. And she's even beautiful. Raising her was one of the greatest joys and privileges of my life. Being her friend in adulthood is the cherry on top.

I am endlessly proud of her. We talk several times a week, and I spend a day of most weeks at her home, caring for her almost-6 son, who has every wonderful quality his mother had at that age. Except for the gender, anyway. And the fart jokes.

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answers from Los Angeles on

My son's only 2 so he hasn't DONE much yet except look and act freaking cute! But goshdarnit, that's enough for me. :)

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answers from Des Moines on

My almost 7 year old is the most considerate person I know. She is always doing things to help out other people. She was just at school and she was asked to help out with something fun that all the kids want to do...well, she had already done it and told her teacher that she had and picked one of her friends who hadn't done it yet. She actually got a special award for doing stuff like that...the kids get to sit at a special table for lunch. My MIL and SIL are constantly praising me for raising a kid like her...she is always saying thank you and please and always helps her younger cousins with things. Personally, I don't think it was me...I think she's just that kind of kid! She's amazing! My dad has thanked me and my hubby numerous times for raising a kid like her in a world like this...that me very proud of her!

And then there is my 2 month old...who just started smiling...need I say more?

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answers from Seattle on

My kids are FUNNY. Sometimes I forget, because I'm too busy trying to remove my head from the drywall ;-) My best girlfriend is good at reminding me how funny they actually are. When she comes to visit, she sleeps on our couch and she'll wake up with the kids. I'll hear them all in the living room, just busting out laughing. When I have successfully drank enough caffeine to wire a small elephant, and come to hang out with them, she'll say, "Ephie, these kids are hilarious. You're used to it and have to DEAL with their mischief. I get it. But their mischief is seriously entertaining."

And it's true. My kids ARE funny as Eddie Izzard on a good day. They take pleasure in getting a good laugh out of their audience.

Another of my friends describes my daughter well. She says, "you know the thing I love about Opal is that Opal is really Opal." She's really herself, and solid in that. It amazes me, especially because I myself struggle with authenticity and empowerment. My daughter has always deeply known and been herself. At three years old, she amazes me with her empathy. It's not my doing. She was born with a heart that understands and has compassion. If we are at the park and another young person is crying, she'll make her way over to put a hand on their shoulder. "Awe, little baby, are you sad? You can have my toy. Here, come on, where's your mommy?"

She is deeply affected by her internal sense of right and wrong. She wants people to get along, to be kind to each other, to enjoy life as much as she does. She sticks up for people and understands that other's have needs.

And darn it. She's part monkey. The kid can climb *anything*.

My niece is imaginative, intelligent, has an uncanny sense of memory and loves to communicate. All are special gifts that I could brag about. What blows me away most though, is how strong and brave that kid is. She came to us with the her internal light extinguished. She was afraid of people, afraid of life, and was broken. She was deeply hurting.

Somehow, she has survived loss to a degree that, as an adult, I had difficulty navigating. She has allowed herself to have trust in this world, even though her very foundation was shaken during a most vulnerable stage of development. She takes risks, starts conversations with people she doesn't know yet, and mostly considers the world to be a place of opportunity and safety. She is happy and secure.

I agree. Courage is doing something in spite of being afraid. She has good reason to be afraid yet she grows and triumphs. She has the courage to heal. She has taught me so much about love and healing and about the human capacity for resilience and good. She has given me a renewed faith in humanity.

One of my favorite things about my kids is how much they love and dig each other's company. They really have each other's backs, they take care of each other, and they share their "resources" and skills. They teach each other how to be courageous, how to love, and how to count ;-)

My kids are interesting, complex, quirky little people. I feel blessed to get to watch them grow up. I'm really lucky to have them.

Thanks for the question...looking forward to your description.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Oh my goodness! How much time have you got, R.?! Just to cover a few little sweet things ... I love how my child tells me every day that I'm the best mama in the whole wide world. I love that when I respond, "Awww, no I'm not, but thank you, honey" she vehemently tells me "But mama, you ARE!!!"

I love how she sometimes seems so wise beyond her years; like the other night when my husband and I were good-naturedly arguing about him not putting the dishes in the dishwasher and she said, "Oh, mama, I know that frustrates you! But maybe if you just point it out nicely to him he will do it!" (haha, yeah, tried that one, babe!)

I love how she always always always shares her treats and goodies with her daddy and I, even though we never ask her to. I also love how, if she gives me a piece of her treasured Halloween candy, she'll put one aside for my husband for when he gets home, too.

I love how her hair and skin smells after a bath. I love how she giggles with delight when I climb into bed with her as I tuck her in ...

Oh, jeez, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways!!

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answers from Honolulu on

The best thing that I like about them (and which can also drive me nuts)... is that, each of my kids KNOW darn well, who they are.
They are, individuals.
And they float their own boat.
Even as young as they are. They have an identity and know who the heck they are.
That makes me real proud.
And, they've got a good inner radar about others and a good heart... Just like... their Grandpa. (my late Dad).
They really have aspects of my late Dad... his best points.
Real proud of that.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Today, at school, in a little song presenation by the kid, before our Parent/Child Thanksgiving lunch, each child got to say something they were thankful for.
My son was the only O. to say "I'm thankful for God."
I cried.
SO proud of that kid!

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answers from Atlanta on

This is a great post. I loved reading every single post. We need more of this.

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answers from St. Louis on

My kids have always made me think, they have made me laugh. At times my greatest pleasure is when they sleep.

I hate at times that they are the few people on this earth that I cannot outsmart. Then I think back on it and think ahahahahaha they are mine. I figure if they can drive me to fits surely the rest of the world hasn't a chance. :)

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answers from Dover on

In order of birth:

1. He has this great sense of justice. He's super smart. He loves his baby sister and tries to give her time, even though he is 16 years older.

2. He's freakin' hillarious. He makes me laugh every day. He's almost 18 and isn't afraid to cry at Extreme Makeover Home Edition. He is going to be a GREAT dad one day.

3. She's a social butterfly. She's witty, and girlie and loyal, loyal, loyal. She's a really good friend. She isn't afraid to try new things and she isn't afraid to go her own way.

4. He's the most creative little guy in the world. He's got this genius imagination. We are trying to figure out how to get him a "Secret Lab" for Christmas so that he can "build his robots." He's 5.

5. She is the perfect combination of girlie girl and rowdy girl. If you take her toy she will hunt you down and take it back while wearing her princess tiarra and slippers. ONLY THEN will she come to me and say, "Bubba made me sad!" She also has some pretty awesome dimples.

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answers from Spokane on

My 7 y/o makes me laugh every day. He is a riot and most of the time doesn't even realize it! He is also the most forgiving kid I have ever known and has a faith stronger than most adults I know. I love that all I have to do is look at him a certain way and he says "I know Mom, you love me".

My 3 y/o has a smile that will melt your heart! He has a little bit of the devil in him ;) but he is so sweet that with a quick grin you forget why you were upset with him. He also adores his big brother and that just makes me happy! He also has a way of saying "I wub you Mommy" that makes me want to snatch him up and kiss him all over.

My 17 y/o SD is growing up to be a kind, thoughtful, caring young lady. She has pretty much grown out of the teenage girl stage and I can honestly say she is my friend and I LOVE that!

EDIT: @ Ephie
You truly have an amazing way of putting words into writing :)

Your niece is the luckiest girl in the world ~ you should take some credit for getting her where she's at. She couldn't have done it without you.

God Bless You. The world needs more Ephie's!

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answers from Seattle on

I <3 you R.:)

My oldest:
He is an AMAZING Artist. He puts me to shame for what he can do for his age. Even his teacher has made comments about how amazing for only being six. He also has about the biggest heart I have ever seen on a kid. He would give anyone the shirt off his back. And that is at the drop of a hat. He LOVES SCHOOL. When he was sick...I had to fight with him NOT to go.

My milk shake in the middle.....His HAIR freaking ROCKS. He is the kiddo is my Profile Pic....He has a head full of curls that has since turned into a Head full of DREADLOCKS! He will be five in Jan. and can play Guitar and Drums. His Favorite Band is a Punk Bad called Rise Against. He knows All the words to alot of the songs....GOOD thing I love the band too....Or I would be going nuts. He is hilarious as all get down too.

My youngest....Oh he is my most amazing....He is half monkey. I get an ''I Love You, mommy!'' Every twenty minutes. Which is awesome considering a year and a half ago he was not saying anything. There is NEVER a Dull moment with him. We are pretty sure he is going to be one of those dare devils doing stunts on Motor Cross bikes...Like Travis Pastrania(Spelling?).

I am bias...but my kids are all pretty cute. And they ALL have AMAZING personalities. I like to think I have done a good job making sure they are as excepting of EVERY single walk of life..and to appreciate the simple things.

They call me dude. I call them dude. We BUMP FISTS and have secret hand shakes.

I want them to WANT to be around me when they are teenagers...And I can only hope I am doing a good job making them realize I am here for them:)

My Favorite mom moment with them just happened not to long ago. We were coming back with a large group of people from an Occupy Protest and my middle kiddo Belts out in front of a Chase we are waiting for the light....''Banks got Bailed out....'' and the crowd behind him very naturally scream..''We got SOLD OUT'' and then he said his again and this happened about seven times total...He lead the WHOLE thing...IT was amazing! I felt at that moment I had done good by making sure they stayed involved in this. They will understand what it met to lead the Peoples movement when they are older..Cause he will remember that day on the corner he started chanting:)

Thank you for letting me brag:) I have been VERY blessed with have three RAD kids:) I could not have asked for any better!

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answers from San Francisco on

I am so proud that my kids are not afraid to stand alone when they are standing up for what they feel is right and just. Even up against the threats, jeers,sneers and from their peers. I have had other kids come up to me and ask if I am so and so's mom? Then they proceed to tell me about how my child stuck up for them when other kids were making fun or bullying. It warms my heart to hear from my kids' teachers that my kids stick up for the kid in the class with special needs or doesn't have friends or acts a little different. I am proud of my kids that they have compassion and love for their fellow brothers and sisters in our community...we are all God's children.

Good luck and best wishes!!

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answers from Houston on

My 22 year old totally gets my weird sense of humor. She lives life on her own terms and doesn't seem to mind not getting everything exactly right the first time. She's comfortable with being a work in progress and enjoying the moment. She is also an amazing mother to my gbaby. I am truly loving sharing the closest friendship I've known with her.

My 6 year old is so insightful, smart and has a memory like a steel trap. She is the girliest girl I've ever met. She loves, loves, loves romance, weddings, dance, fairies, princesses, and fashion. But don't underestimate her for a second because she can land a front kick and wields a sword like nobody's business. She is such a fun person always up for an adventure. Did I mention that she is drop dead gorgeous with the most beautiful brown eyes and hair I've ever seen? Love that girl.

My 5 year old has restored my hope and faith in men. He's absolutely all boy, energetic, rough and tumble. Testosterone city most of the time. He is also chivalrous, protective, sensitive, gentle and kind to others. He has exploded all of my preconceived notions of what having a son would be like. He loves me fiercely...just as I do him.

I'm still amazed that I somehow got the three brightest, most beautiful children in the world. I continue to be blessed because my grand daughter is absolutely the smartest and best baby I've met besides my own.

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answers from Houston on

I have adult children, well sort of! 23 and 19. Mine are perfect? JK!! I love that as a family we work. Each vacation had a "theme" and we would use that theme throughout the trip. Myrtle Beach was "Shark bait, ewwhaha". Stupid to most, but not us. We live for movies. We make jokes and they are movie based. Example: my son was acting like an "athole". which comes from "Maid of Honor". I know geeky! I love that our kids like to spend time with us. They enjoy our company.

I love that my son is serving this country with honor. I love that we instilled a love of country. I love that he has a wicked sense of humor and could out debate anyone!

I love that my daughter is so smart. I love that she is a terrific person and just so darn sweet. I love that she says I'm her bestfriend.

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answers from Orlando on

My 5 year old is the COOLEST kid on the block! He can make me laugh even when I try to be mad at him! He will tell the same cheesy joke 40 times! And always knows when mommy needs a hug :) he's so smart, maybe for his own good! His memorization is outstanding! I've never seen a child who could recall details of stuff from years ago, and like i said he's only 5! And what makes him more special is he is bipolar, and thats the one thing that makes him struggle but at the same time stronger! He is learning to embrace his difference, because I dont think I could deal with what he does! He's my CRAZY out of control PYSCHO, but I wouldnt have it any other way!

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answers from Seattle on

My daughter is one of the most emotionally connected and focused kids I know. She is brilliant(she tests well above her age)academically but also just has a sense about her that demonstrates things well beyond her years. She is very hands-on and helps to teach things to her brother who has autism. She is an independent-free-thinking little girl who marches to her own drum. She is a great daughter and I couldn't be happier.

My son is a very empathetic and loving child who shows great concern whenever he hears people upset or yelling. This is a huge thing due to his varying issues with autism. He is nonverbal however has learned how to express "love you" and tells me several times every single day. He has taught me patience and shown me the freedom of what life can be like when you're not living by anyone's expectations. That to me is priceless.

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answers from New York on

I love how thoughtful my oldest (7yr old) daughter is, she is going to be the kindest women with a good heart and nurturing soul. I love the unspoken words that my youngest and I exchange daily. There are times I look at her through the rear-view mirror and she catches my eyes and with my eyes I tell her how much I love her and she responds back without ever saying a word. We have those exchanges at least once a day and I love that she get's me.

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answers from Kansas City on

awww...great question :)

i love watching my son learn new things. it never ceases to amaze me how i can tell him something, and he takes it in, and learns it. i love watching him learn. i love that he walked at 9 months and started saying sentances a couple months later. i love that potty jokes (or fart jokes, or butt jokes, etc) makes him laugh SOO HARD - not just giggles, which are adorable, but those giant belly laughs - and show his dimples. i love how his eyes sparkle when he is happy. i LOVE hearing him say, "okay mommy!" like it's the most natural thing in the world, when i ask him to do something. (that doesn't ALWAYS happen, but it is the light of my life when it does! lol)

just a funny memory that came to me - i love that when he was a year old, at thanksgiving dinner with the entire family, he got the turkey leg off the top of the pile of "trash" from carving the turkey, and walked around, dragging his blankie in one hand and chewing on the turkey leg with the other - and offering "bites" to everyone as he wandered the

i love how many compliments i get about him, about how sweet, polite, well mannered he is...i LOVE that at halloween, (when ALL the company kids were visiting to "trick or treat") one of my coworkers said, "wow he's the only one that has said thank you!

this is more a family thing, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE how we all say "i love you" at least a few times per day. there is no pricetag you can put on that...

mostly i love knowing that i'm his mom and NO ONE will ever take that away from me.

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answers from San Francisco on

My daughter is 19 months and I LOVE when she says, "Ruv Roo" (Love you) without me saying it to her first! :) I also think she's the most beautiful thing on earth. She has a great sense of humor at only 19 months. She laughs when she farts (she learned that from her dad!). She makes me smile every morning when I go get her from her crib and she bounces back down to pretend she's sleeping....only she has a huge smile on her face and I can tell she isn't. I love when she walks up behind me and hugs me and kisses my shoulder. I love her sweet smile, and even though it drives me crazy when I'm trying to discipline her, I kind of think it's funny that she smiles at me like, "Ok, mom... I get it, can we move on??" I could go on and on.... Love my girl.

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answers from Chicago on

Everyday all 3 tell each other "your my best buddy", they have the family unit thing going on.

Last Sunday we all helped at a food pantry. My kids are 4, 6, & 7, I couldn't believe how hard they worked stocking shelves in the midst of mass chaos. They dove right in & worked hard. I was very very proud.

My 21 yr old is away at school on her Senior year. I am so proud of her. She has blossomed into a beautiful hard working young lady. She calls me all the time to just chat even if it's just for a few minutes.

All 4 kids are amazing, loving, children & I thank God all the time that he gave them to me.

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answers from Killeen on

Oooh yay I LOVE talking about my kids ;). My 12 yr old daughter is amazing! She is a cheerleader, plays basketball, volleyball,softball, and runs track. She is in beta club, band, a straight A student and involved in her church youth group. She has the purest heart of anyone I have ever met and ALWAYS tries to do the right thing no matter how unpopular it is. She is so strong and stands up for what she believes in. Always a leader not a follower. She is so funny and witty and smart and gorgeous.She is a great big sister and a singer with amazing stage presence. She has so much poise and self confidence at 12 and I am super jealous :).
My 12 year old step son is GREAT with little kids. He has so much patience. He is inquisitive and smart. He is the most laid back of my four kids. He is almost always calm and collected and methodical. He has the most AMAZING blue eyes ( like his daddy :) He is the first to offer help. He is a great baseball player and is on A/B honor roll. He makes all kinds of things out of nothing, like picture frames out of bamboo.
My 10 year old son is my mini me. He is what you would call a bull in a china shop. He looks like an angel blond curls and big blue eyes. He is super hard headed but also extremely loyal. He tries so hard to please people but is very stubborn and set in his ways. He is a very dedicated football player with a huge heart. He is very funny and an amazing artist. He is so smart. Popularity comes easy to him, probably because he cares the least about it. He is the typical all american boy.
Now my 8 yr old son. He has always been my baby and my biggest challenge.Since he was little he has talked like a little adult. He is EXTREMELY smart. He outsmarts me on a daily basis. He is quirky and different from my other 3. He is very loving and so funny. He loves music and beats to his own drum :). He takes his karate very seriously. He is animated and is almost always selected for the most dynamic rolls in school theater performances.
This is getting long, but thanks for asking this question and reminding me how truly luck I am as my two youngest are now fighting in the backgound :). They arent perfect but they are mine!

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answers from Dallas on

Love this one R. and I could go on and on but ill keep it short :)
Nicholas is my 15 yr old- I love his huge dimples, his contagious smile and he is so witty. He has the best come backs and even though he's not a real touchy feely young man, he has a heart of gold.
madisyn is my 4 yr old- that girl is crazy! She has deep
brown eyes and they light up when she's talking. She loves her mama more than anyone has ever loved me bit she's a fire cracker. She is a leader and can throw the heck out of a baseball in her plastic purple high heels of course :) love those kids with every breath I take!

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answers from Dallas on

My son is 13 and I love it that he still let's me hug him! One of my favorite memories is when my son was about 2 and he had a Fisher Price barn that closed up with everything packed inside of it. Whey my son was finished playing with it , he always closed it up and waive to it saying "Bye, barn". I still have that barn. Oh, I cannot believe how fast he is growing up!

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answers from Portland on

I almost asked this question yesterday, because I was thinking about my sweet boy.

What I just adore about Kiddo (4 y.o.):
That he stops to hug the dogwood tree around the corner whenever we pass by and refers to it as "my friend".

That we look out the windows in the morning and notice the children's moon and colorful the sunrise clouds.

That he calls our rhododendron bush "my tree" and climbs in it, then yells at passers-by: "I'm climbing in my tree! I'm four!" as though these are the most exciting things to know in the world.

That he trundled himself into the bathroom this morning after I stepped out of the shower, sat down on the toilet seat lid and said "Mama, I want to have a conversation with you. Let's talk."

That he built a play-park for his dinosaurs in the livingroom with ramps and block stairs. I love that he loves to build.

That he named his big TRex dino "Bottles and Cans" and decided to have a birthday party for him. (We made salt dough birthday cakes with holes for candles.)

That he tells me how he loves his friends. "I like Nate. I always get along with him. Every time."

I love how he likes me to snuggle him in his bed in the morning before we both start with our day. I look forward to it.

I love how he is so consumed with guitars and music and can tell you about his favorite songs from Music Together, Crowded House and XTC (Stupidly Happy). That, after watching Sonny Landreth play slide guitar he grabbed a cylinder block from the shelf and started using it as a slide. He'll tell you about steel guitars, dobros and asks musical questions constantly.

I love that he loves reading "Little House in the Big Woods" at bedtime, or that he laughs whenever we talk about "Elmer Elevator" from "My Father's Dragon".

And I love his sweet laugh.

I love him for all the special, quirky things about him. He doesn't want to ride trikes or play soccer, but he loves leaf collecting walks, going out to the pub in the afternoon for a snack and reading and drawing together for an hour or so. He's become quite wonderful company over the years. His curiosity for all things nature is dear to my heart. His love for his friends, his cousins, his love for learning and poetry and our big old gentleman kitty Gus-- all of these things make my heart so glad. If I wasn't his mom, I'd likely be angling for a nanny job at his house. :)

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answers from Seattle on

This is so what I needed today. The last few weeks I have been struggling to find the good in my children. They have been driving me crazy with the constant bickering...I just wanted to run away a couple times...but in the end they are my children and I love them and I realize at the time of my frustration it was more a matter of how tired I was feeling than their actual behavior.

My sweet darling Lily is a mommy's girl through and through. She loves to snuggle, loves to read (just like me!), she's hilarious and goofy when she gets to know you. She is very observant and remembers every thing- even from a very long time ago. Nothing gets by her (no more spelling words to keep a secret!). I am proud of her ability to ask questions about the world around her. I love seeing the wheels turning in her head as she tries to work things out. I can never get enough of her smell...

My step daughter Kendra- I absolutely adore her ability to jump into any situation with anyone and be a leader and have fun. She has so much spirit and life in her she can't even contain it. She'll try anything and tries to encourage Lily to try too. She's a born performer and loves putting on concerts- singing and dancing- so care free.

Can't wait to spend the weekend with them and of course my DH! I could go on about him too : )

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answers from Seattle on

R., we haven't seen your brag sheet yet. Thanks for starting this thread, I have enjoyed everyone's response.

Oh geez, I could test the limits of mamapedia's posting, but I'll try to keep it reasonable in length.

My 17 yr. old is a Senior. I can't believe what a great young man he is becoming ( I still have to remind myself he's not an adult yet, because he will still do bone- headed teen things, lol).

He has a huge heart, tries to hide it, but it still pops through. He has a wonderful sense of humor and a zest for life. His smile is amazing.

11 yr old. Twin A is determined. He loves reading and will pick up a book anywhere. He tends to forget manners, but he is the first one leaping up to help Grandpa chop firewood. And he works until the work is done.

Twin B, is also a reader. He can read body language and tone inflections with the best of them. He knows if someone is trying to hide their emotions and he can read it, spot on.

All my kids have a sense of morals. I once walked out of the doctor's office with a pen. At the store, I was signing check with the pen, and one of the twins asked if that was the pen from the doctor's office. I looked at it, and yep that was it. It was one of the ones companies make up, nothing expensive or special. Both twins together, yell ( remember we're in the store) "mama! You stole that!" nNeith of them used the word 'pen'. Oh was my face red.

I couldn't get them to understand how a pen isn't a big thing. It all boiled down to I had not asked, therefore I stole. I had to drive back to the doctor's office and return the pen. The receptionist was laughing.

Teen is the same way.

Thanks again for having is look at the good side. I have to ground teen for leaving his wallet out in the open of his vehicle ( there have been a rash of car prowls, and we've been on him about it. And to replace a side window would cost more than his car is worth, lol).

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